Warsaw ban anti-Semitic demonstration over Israel opposition to bill that downplay Poland’s role in Nazi atrocities

A Warsaw governor has taken steps to prevent a planned far-right protest outside the Israeli Embassy by banning traffic in the area, citing security concerns.

Right-wing groups have called the protest for late Wednesday amid a spat between Poland and Israel over pending Polish legislation which prescribes prison time for defaming the Polish nation by using phrases such as “Polish death camps” to refer to the Polish death camps the Nazi Germany operated in occupied Poland during World War II.

Warsaw regional governor Zdzislaw Sipera said Wednesday that for security reasons he is banning traffic around the embassy until February 5, except for residents and city services, to prevent protesters from gathering.

Undercover report Polish neo-Nazis praising Hitler in nighttime forest ceremony (3)

Israel has vehemently protested the law saying its unclear wording would stifle historic research and truth.

Netanyahu said at his weekly cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel has “no tolerance for the distortion of the truth, the rewriting of history and the denial of the Holocaust.”

A Polish TV host has suggested that World War II death camps in Poland be referred to as “Jewish death camps” instead of Polish or German, while a journalist intimated on his program that Jews played a part in the Nazi Final Solution.

Poland - State TV Channel maybe we should call them Jewish camps After all we know who manned the crematoria

The comments have fanned the flames that have already mildly burned relations between Warsaw and Jerusalem after the Polish parliament attempt to downplay Poland’s role in Nazi atrocities.


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US designates Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh as a terrorist

The US Treasury Department put on Wednesday Hamas terror group chief Ismail Haniyeh on the terror blacklist.

“Haniya has close links with Hamas’ military wing and has been a proponent of armed struggle, including against civilians,” the State Department said in a statement.

US designates Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh as a terrorist (2).jpg

“He has reportedly been involved in terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. Hamas has been responsible for an estimated 17 American lives killed in terrorist attacks.”

Haniya is now on the US Treasury sanctions blacklist, which freezes any US-based assets he may have and bans any US person or company from doing business with him.

The US also announced the listing of the Palestinian Al-Sabereen terror group and the Egyptian Hasm militia on the terror blacklist.


Poland – State TV Channel: “maybe we should call them Jewish camps? After all we know who manned the crematoria”

A Polish TV host has suggested that World War II death camps in Poland be referred to as “Jewish death camps” instead of Polish or German, while a journalist intimated on his program that Jews played a part in the Nazi Final Solution.

The comments have fanned the flames that have already mildly burned relations between Warsaw and Jerusalem after the Polish parliament recently moved to pass legislation that Israel has argued is an attempt to downplay Poland’s role in Nazi atrocities.

Poland - State TV Channel maybe we should call them Jewish camps After all we know who manned the crematoria.jpg

The guest of the program aired by TVP2 also slammed Israel for its vociferous opposition to the bill, which prescribes prison time for defaming the Polish nation by using phrases such as “Polish death camps” to refer to the Polish death camps the Nazi Germany operated in occupied Poland during World War II.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (15)

“This narrative is built out of contempt for the facts,” argued Marcin Jerzy Wolski who hosts the Polish public mainstream TV channel operated by TVP.

Discussing an experiment carried out in Germany in which exhaust fumes were pumped into rooms containing monkeys and humans, Wloski and the conservative commentator and author Rafal Aleksander Ziemkiewicz digressed into a conversation about Jews in the Holocaust, gas chambers and how the Nazis improvised as they searched for more efficient methods to murder European Jewry.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (5)

The two then segued into an attack of Israeli criticism against the new bill and what they called “claims” –the fact that Poles participated in the Holocaust. Ziemkiewicz also slammed the notion of blaming nations for the actions of individuals.

“Don’t be surprised if someone teaches that the Jewish people crucified Jesus or participated in the Holocaust,” he said. “If we look at the percentage of involvement of countries that took part, Jews also were part of their own destruction.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (12)

Wolski responded by saying: “Using this terminology, linguistically, we could say these were not German or Polish camps, but were Jewish camps. After all, who dealt with the crematoria?”

Taking the theory further, Ziemkiewicz asked: “And who died in them? Jews. History has been forgotten. Instead of history there is a narrative that serves political and other interests. This narrative is built out of contempt for facts.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied

A few hours before the program, Ziemkiewicz published on Twitter an anti-Semitic post before deleting it shortly after.

“For many years I have convinced my people that we must support Israel. Today, because of a few scabby or greedy people, I feel like an idiot,” he wrote in his tweet, evoking a term often used in anti-Semitic slurs in Poland.

During and after the Holocaust, Poles frequently referred to Jews as “scabby” as a derogatory expression.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (13)

A statement released by the Israeli Foreign Ministry expressed deep concern about the discussion.

“We are anxiously following the statements of an anti-Semitic nature made on Polish media and are considering discussing the subject with the embassy in Warsaw,” the statement read.

The interview was not the only public expression in the Polish media against Israeli furor. One radio presenter suggested that Poles who support the Israeli positions should consider forfeiting their Polish citizenship.

Israeli students to learn how European nations–and particularly Poland, collaborated with the Nazi Germans in the murder of Jews (2)

“If there’s someone who behaves like a spokesperson for Israeli interests, maybe it’s worth it for him to consider giving up his Polish citizenship and getting Israeli citizenship,” Piotr Nisztor said in statements that were published on the radio station’s twitter account.

It is not only the Israeli political establishment that has expressed outrage over the Polish initiative, however.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (10)

An Israeli historian of Jewish-Israeli heritage who was awarded in 2012 the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic from the then Polish president for his contribution to promoting the memory—and increasing awareness of—the Polish Righteous Among the Nations, has returned his award in protest against the “demonic” legislation.

The Israeli education system will dedicate two lessons this week to teaching schoolchildren about the Holocaust, with an emphasis on the involvement of the different European nations and their collaboration with the Nazi Germans in the murder of Jews.

Pile of Victims' Suitcases at Auschwitz

PM Netanyahu said at his weekly cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel has “no tolerance for the distortion of the truth, the rewriting of history and the denial of the Holocaust.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (9)

Yair Lapid, the chairman of the Yesh Atid party, is opposed to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to negotiate with the Polish prime minister on the “Polish Law.”

“There is no negotiating over the memory of those who perished. This law should simply be buried in the soil of Poland, which is saturated with the blood of Jews,” Lapid said.

Philadelphia: Car-ramming attack was TERROR. Muslim terrorist eliminated, identified

A driver was “attempting to run over pedestrians,” said Philadelphia Police, just before a Muslim terrorist was shot and eliminated by an off-duty Philadelphia Police detective.

Philadelphia police have now released the name of the Muslim terrorist who was shot and eliminated by the off-duty officer:  Khalil Lawal, 31, of Arlington, Virginia, was pronounced dead a few hours after the shooting.

The terror attack unfolded early Monday morning  in South Philadelphia at the intersection of Broad Street and Bigler Street.

Philadelphia Car-ramming attack was TERROR. Muslim terrorist eliminated, identified (3).jpg

According to Philadelphia police, dispatchers received a call that the driver of a black Honda Accord with Maryland tags had run over one pedestrian and was reportedly looking to hit and injure more.

Witness Marc DiBattista told KYW-TV he “heard ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,’ and knew something was going down.”

Philadelphia Car-ramming attack was TERROR. Muslim terrorist eliminated, identified (2)

An off-duty officer happened to be in the area when the commotion happened and intervened. The driver “immediately gets aggressive against the off-duty officer” which prompted the cop to fire his service weapon, Philadelphia Police Captain Sekou Kinebrew said.

The off-duty officer reportedly made a verbal warning before firing his gun.

The pedestrian who was struck was taken to the hospital and is said to be in critical condition, but suffered injuries that did not appear to be life threatening.


Philadelphia Car-ramming attack was TERROR. Muslim terrorist eliminated, identified (4).jpg

Muslim rioters ambush US delegation, vandalize diplomatic vehicle in Bethlehem

Muslim rioters protesting against US policy on Jerusalem ambushed a US-coordinated marketing workshop in Bethlehem, damaging an American diplomatic vehicle as it sped away.

Muslims threw tomatoes at the SUV, which had US consular licence plates, kicked one of its doors and ripped the plastic casing off a side mirror as it drove off under Palestinian Authority police escort from the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce.

Samir Hazboun, the chamber’s director, told Reuters that a digital marketing workshop was underway when about five rioters barged in.

Muslim rioters ambush US delegation, vandalize diplomatic vehicle in Bethlehem (2).jpg

“We hosted an American expert on this issue. Some people who have been trying to express their point of view and protest (against) the American decision regarding Jerusalem and the political situation … interrupted the workshop and we stopped the workshop,” Hazboun said.

Commenting on the attack, a State Department spokesperson said: “The United States opposes the use of violence and intimidation to express political views. This non-political program was one part of long-term US engagement to create economic opportunities for Palestinians.

Muslim rioters ambush US delegation, vandalize diplomatic vehicle in Bethlehem (3).jpg

The US-based lecturer was not a consular staff member. He was accompanied by consular security personnel and some of its Arab employees, organizers said.

Muslim rioters ambush US delegation, vandalize diplomatic vehicle in Bethlehem (4).jpg

In the Aida neighborhood of Bethlehem on Saturday, effigies of Trump and Pence were hanged and burned in a protest attended by about 30 Muslim terrorists.

Rocket from Gaza explodes in open area in southern Israel at midnight

A Code Red alert was sounded at midnight Monday in the Sdot Negev and Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Councils after a rocket was fired into Israeli territory.

Explosions were heard in the area and after a rapid investigation, the IDF confirmed that a rocket had fallen inside open space in Israeli territory.

No injuries or damages were reported in the attack.

Rocket from Gaza explodes in open area in southern Israel at midnight

This is the first rocket launched toward Israel from Gaza in 27 days.

The last attack from Gaza took place at the beginning of January when three mortar shells were fired at Israeli territory within a few hours at the Eshkol Regional Council, all of which landing in open, uninhabited fields. No one was injured and no damages were inflicted in the attack.



Netanyahu to Putin: We’ll act in Lebanon if necessary – We’ll stand up to Iran: there won’t be another Holocaust

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Russia on Monday for talks focused on Syria, warning that Israel will not accept Iran’s growing military presence there and in neighbouring Lebanon.

Before departure for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Netanyahu said that Iran is trying to turn Lebanon into “one giant missile site, a site for precision missiles against the state of Israel, which we will not tolerate.”

Netanyahu also pointed at “Iran’s relentless efforts to establish a military presence in Syria, which we strongly oppose and are also taking action against.”

“Israel will not accept the presence of precision missiles. If we need to act in Lebanon, we will act,” he told journalists at the conclusion of the meeting earlier with Putin.

Netanyahu to Putin We'll act in Lebanon if necessary - We'll stand up to Iran there won't be another Holocaust (2).jpg

The Israeli premier also said he discussed with Putin Iranian entrenchment in Syria. “We are now on the cusp of a watershed moment of whether Iran will entrench itself there or if the process will be stopped. I told Putin that if it isn’t stopped by itself, we will act to stop it. In practice, we’re already operating,” he told the journalists.

Netanyahu also addressed reports that Damascus had threatened to attack Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport if Israel carried out another military strike in Syria.

Netanyahu to Putin We'll act in Lebanon if necessary - We'll stand up to Iran there won't be another Holocaust (5).jpg

“We always take all the elements and considerations in the area into account,” he said, before accusing Iran of attempting to rattle stability in the Middle East.

“The element currently trying to change the status quo in Syria and Lebanon is one—Iran. This is an element that is actively trying to shift the arena and turn Syria into a military colony,” he asserted.

Netanyahu to Putin We'll act in Lebanon if necessary - We'll stand up to Iran there won't be another Holocaust (3).jpg

Another major topic discussed at the meeting with Putin was, Netanyahu said, the Iranian nuclear agreement. The prime minister raised before Putin Israel’s reservations, “which in many cases are reservations I have heard from Trump. I cannot guarantee what Russia’s stance will be on the matter, but they understood what will happen if corrections are not inserted (into the deal.)”

“I think that the main lesson of the rise of the Nazis and—afterwards—their defeat, is that one needs to take a strong and timely stand against murderous ideologies,” Netanyahu told Putin during a meeting at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow.

“We will stand before them [Iran] with all our might,” Netanyahu said. “There will not be another Holocaust.”


Israeli students to learn how European nations–and particularly Poland, collaborated with the Nazi Germans in the murder of Jews

The Israeli education system will dedicate two lessons this week to teaching schoolchildren about the Holocaust, with an emphasis on the involvement of the different European nations and their collaboration with the Nazi Germans in the murder of Jews.

The decision was made by Education Minister Naftali Bennett in response to a bill being promoted in the Polish parliament that would outlaw blaming Poland for any crimes committed during the Holocaust.

The Education Ministry sent a lesson plan to schools on Monday morning about “the response of populations in countries occupied by the Nazis to the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust.”

Israeli students to learn how European nations–and particularly Poland, collaborated with the Nazi Germans in the murder of Jews

The lesson plan, which was prepared in conjunction with the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, is meant for 7th-12th graders. It includes relevant study materials, including materials from Yad Vashem’s website, videos of Holocaust survivors’ testimonies, historical sources, and points for discussion.

“The lesson plan allows students to learn the topic in-depth, while putting an emphasis on the historical facts and the circumstances that led to the murder of the Jews in Poland and in general in eastern Europe (including the Soviet Union), western Europe, northern Africa, and the Balkan nations,” the Education Ministry said.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (10)

The lesson plan begins with an explanation on how the Polish bill proposal raised “anger in the Israeli public, which is vigilant to the different attempts to deny the local populations’ involvement, including in Poland, in the Holocaust of the Jewish people. This lesson plan is meant to help teachers make the topic more accessible to students, to explain the public debate to them, and to equip them with information that would help them formulate their position on the matter.”

The lesson plan details the extermination and concentration camps built on Polish soil: “In December 1941, the first death camp began operating in Chełmno, Poland, where Jews were exterminated. Within a few more months, the Nazis built additional death camps in Polish territories: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Majdanek. The Jews were brought to these camps from all across Europe. The great majority were murdered immediately upon arrival.

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (13)

“Finding the Jews, capturing them and sending them to the camps required extensive cooperation from the local population (which was itself persecuted by the Nazi regime). This cooperation was reflected in ignoring the Jews’ fate (‘those who stand by’), ratting out Jews and turning them in, and even active participation in the murder itself (collaborators). And so, for example, some 200,000 of Poland’s Jews were murdered by the Poles themselves.

At the same time it’s important to mention and exalt those people, among them some 6,700 Poles, who chose to help Jews and save them, despite the heavy cost of endangering themselves and their loved ones. Those are the Righteous Among the Nations.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (9)

The lesson plan concludes that “If so many civilians outside of Germany hadn’t taken part in the extermination, far fewer Jews would’ve been murdered in the Holocaust. Even so, the number of dead might have been far greater if it hadn’t been for other non-Germans who didn’t cooperate and even disrupted (extermination efforts).”

Education Minister Naftali Bennett noted that “It’s an historical fact that many Poles aided in the murder of Jews, ratted them out, turned them in, and murdered Jews themselves during and even after the Holocaust. It is true that the term ‘Polish death camps’ is inaccurate, as these were German extermination camps in Poland’s territory. However, we cannot ignore the fact there were quite a few Poles who collaborated with the Nazis, and we need to make sure the students of Israel learn what had actually happened. These facts need to be taught and instilled in the younger generation.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (4)

The chairman of the Knesset’s Education, Culture and Sports Committee, MK Ya’akov Margi (Shas) called on Education Minister Bennett to halt students’ trips to Poland until the Polish bill proposal is amended.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said he expected Poland to amend proposed legislation that would outlaw the blaming of Poles for crimes committed during the Holocaust, as the Foreign Ministry summoned a Polish envoy to express its displeasure.

Pile of Victims' Suitcases at Auschwitz

Netanyahu said at his weekly cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel has “no tolerance for the distortion of the truth, the rewriting of history and the denial of the Holocaust.”

Poland outlaws mentioning 'Polish death camps' - Netanyahu One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied (12)

Yair Lapid, the chairman of the Yesh Atid party, is opposed to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to negotiate with the Polish prime minister on the “Polish Law.”

“There is no negotiating over the memory of those who perished. This law should simply be buried in the soil of Poland, which is saturated with the blood of Jews,” Lapid said at the start of the faction meeting, “Instead of negotiating, the State of Israel should tell the Polish government one thing: If this law passes, you will have to sue us,” he said.

“Human Rights” Group Says Israel isn’t a Democracy, It’s An ‘Apartheid Regime,’

European-funded anti-Israel “Human Rights” organization B’Tselem, with little or no domestic support, seems to have kicked off their 2021 f...