7 wanted terrorists arrested, 2 eliminated over the weekend in Judea and Samaria – Weapons seized

BREAKING: The IDF arrested seven Muslim terrorists over the weekend in Judea and Samaria, who were wanted for involvement in terrorism and violent disorders directed against civilians and security personnel. The terrorists were turned...

source https://btnews.online/7-wanted-terrorists-arrested-2-eliminated-over-the-weekend-in-judea-and-samaria-weapons-seized/

Second Muslim terrorist shot and eliminated during violent riots in Hevron

BREAKING: A Muslim terrorist was shot and eliminated by IDF troops during violent riots near the Arab village of Beit Awwa in Hevron. Earlier, IDF troops operating in the area spotted three Muslim terrorists...

source https://btnews.online/second-muslim-terrorist-shot-and-eliminated-during-violent-riots-in-hevron/

Muslim terrorist shot and eliminated after throwing firebombs at Israeli vehicles

BREAKING: During a counter-terrorism operation near the Arab village of Beit Awwa in Hevron, IDF forces spotted three Muslim terrorists who were attempting to murder Jews by throwing firebombs at Israeli vehicles traveling on...

source https://btnews.online/muslim-terrorist-shot-and-eliminated-after-throwing-firebombs-at-israeli-vehicles/

ISIS claims credit for London Bridge stabbing attack

BREAKING: ISIS terror group has claimed responsibility for the London Bridge stabbing attack, even though the Muslim terrorist was apparently linked to al-Qaeda. The claim says that the terrorist was inspired by ISIS’s ideology,...

source https://btnews.online/isis-claims-credit-for-london-bridge-stabbing-attack/

London Bridge terrorist was released from prison after saying he wanted to be ‘a good British citizen’

The Muslim terrorist who murdered two people in a brutal stabbing attack at London Bridge yesterday, penned a letter from his jail cell in 2012 begging for a deradicalization course to become “a good...

source https://btnews.online/london-bridge-terrorist-was-released-from-prison-after-saying-he-wanted-to-be-a-good-british-citizen/

ISIS-linked terror group claims helicopter collision that killed 13 French soldiers in Mali

An ISIS-linked terror group claimed responsibility for a helicopter collision that killed 13 French soldiers earlier this week in Mali, while France said it will reassess its military operation in West and Central Africa...

source https://btnews.online/isis-linked-terror-group-claims-helicopter-collision-that-killed-13-french-soldiers-in-mali/

Netherlands: 1 murdered, several wounded in stabbing attack – Manhunt underway for the Muslim terrorist

Several people were wounded and one reported murdered by a 45-50-year-old Muslim terrorist who stabbed random passersby in The Hague’s main shopping street. Dutch police say three people were injured in the stabbing attack....

source https://btnews.online/netherlands-1-murdered-several-wounded-in-stabbing-attack-manhunt-underway-for-the-muslim-terrorist/

Israeli fighter jets bomb Hamas terror targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire

BREAKING: Israeli fighter jets bombed Hamas terror targets in northern Gaza after a rocket launched by Muslim terrorists, exploded in an open area in southern Israel.  According to Arab reports, a terrorist was injured in...

source https://btnews.online/israeli-fighter-jets-bomb-hamas-terror-targets-in-gaza-in-response-to-rocket-fire-3/

Rockets fired by Muslim terrorists from Gaza at civilians in southern Israel

BREAKING: Rockets were fired by Muslim terrorists in Gaza towards southern Israel. Sirens sounded in the town of Reim. On Tuesday, a barrage of rockets was fired by Muslim terrorists in Gaza towards the...

source https://btnews.online/rockets-fired-by-muslim-terrorists-from-gaza-at-civilians-in-southern-israel-6/

Muslim terrorist shot and eliminated during Friday riots along the Gaza border

As every Friday after mosque, Muslim terrorists are rioting, burning tires, throwing rocks, launching firebombs, grenades and attempting to sabotage the security fence along the Gaza border in order to infiltrate into Israel and...

source https://btnews.online/muslim-terrorist-shot-and-eliminated-during-friday-riots-along-the-gaza-border-3/

UK: Stabbing attack on London Bridge – Muslim terrorist shot and eliminated

BREAKING: A Muslim terrorist was shot and eliminated by officers on London Bridge. Video from the bridge shows armed police officers at the beginning of the northside of the bridge crouched behind a police...

source https://btnews.online/uk-stabbing-attack-on-london-bridge-muslim-terrorist-shot-and-eliminated/

IDF says drone briefly infiltrated Israeli airspace from Lebanon

BREAKING: A short while ago, a drone briefly infiltrated from Lebanon into Israeli airspace, the IDF said. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that the aircraft returned to Lebanon. Earlier this year, IDF’s Northern Command...

source https://btnews.online/idf-says-drone-briefly-infiltrated-israeli-airspace-from-lebanon/

President Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to US troops in Afghanistan

President Donald Trump made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Thursday to visit American troops for Thanksgiving. The trip, his first to the country, comes almost a year after the president made a surprise visit...

source https://btnews.online/president-trump-makes-surprise-thanksgiving-visit-to-us-troops-in-afghanistan/

Italian police uncover Nazi plot: 19 neo-Nazis arrested and weapons seized across the country

Italian police say they have arrested 19 neo-Nazis who wanted to form a new openly pro-Nazi, xenophobic and anti-Semitic party. Police in 16 towns and cities from the Mediterranean island of Sicily to the...

source https://btnews.online/italian-police-uncover-nazi-plot-19-neo-nazis-arrested-and-weapons-seized-across-the-country/

Bolivia restores relations with Israel after ouster of leftist president Morales

Bolivia said Thursday it is restoring diplomatic relations with Israel, which it severed in 2009 under leftist president Evo Morales, who believed that Israel has no right to defend itself against rocket attacks from...

source https://btnews.online/bolivia-restores-relations-with-israel-after-ouster-of-leftist-president-morales/

Thanksgiving outage: Facebook and Instagram users unable to upload or share photos, video

Instagram, Facebook and Messenger have gone down in a major Thanksgiving outage, with thousands of users claiming they are unable to refresh their feeds, upload and share photos or videos. Instagram has been experiencing...

source https://btnews.online/thanksgiving-outage-facebook-and-instagram-users-unable-to-upload-or-share-photos-video/

2 armed Muslim terrorists arrested during a counter-terrorism operation in Samaria

BREAKING: Two armed Muslim terrorists were arrested by IDF troops during a counter-terrorism operation near Tapuach Junction in Samaria. The terrorists were carrying a gun in the vehicle they were traveling in, the IDF...

source https://btnews.online/2-armed-muslim-terrorists-arrested-during-a-counter-terrorism-operation-in-samaria/

Gaza: 3 Muslim terrorists blew themselves up in jihadi workplace accident

BREAKING: Three Hamas terrorists blew themselves up in a powerful ‘mysterious’ jihadi workplace accident while making bombs at an observation post in Rafah, in southern Gaza. According to Arab reports, the terrorists were seriously...

source https://btnews.online/gaza-3-muslim-terrorists-blew-themselves-up-in-jihadi-workplace-accident/

Israel thwarts attempt to smuggle dual-use military equipment into Gaza

BREAKING: Israeli security forces at the Erez crossing thwarted an attempt to smuggle 325 postal packages containing military equipment that can be used by Muslim terrorists into Gaza. Soldiers in the Gaza District Coordination...

source https://btnews.online/israel-thwarts-attempt-to-smuggle-dual-use-military-equipment-into-gaza/

Attempts to transform historic Temple Mount’s Mercy Gate into a mosque continue

BREAKING: Security forces confiscated equipment brought by Muslims into the Temple Mount’s Mercy Gate in order to transform the historic site into a Mosque. Mercy Gate is a large structure on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount...

source https://btnews.online/attempts-to-transform-historic-temple-mounts-mercy-gate-into-a-mosque-continue-2/

IDF demolishes homes of 4 Muslim terrorists who brutally murdered Dvir Sorek

BREAKING: IDF, Border Police and Civil Administration forces demolished the homes of four Muslim terrorists who brutally murdered 19-year-old IDF soldier and Yeshiva student Dvir Sorek in August. The homes were all located in the...

source https://btnews.online/idf-demolishes-homes-of-4-muslim-terrorists-who-brutally-murdered-dvir-sorek/

Israel sends search and rescue team to aid Albania following deadly earthquake

Albania was rattled by a 6.4-magnitude tremor in the early hours of Tuesday morning, and a series of aftershocks brought further misery later in the day killing at least 28 people and injuring 650....

source https://btnews.online/israel-sends-search-and-rescue-team-to-aid-albania-following-deadly-earthquake/

Netherlands: 2 Muslim terrorists arrested for planning a Christmas massacre

The Dutch anti-terrorism unit arrested on Monday two Muslim terrorists, aged 20 and 34, who were planning a terrorist attack in the Netherlands. Dutch prosecutors said the terrorists were preparing a terror attack with...

source https://btnews.online/netherlands-2-muslim-terrorists-arrested-for-planning-a-christmas-massacre/

Bennett: Israel will no longer return the bodies of Muslim terrorists ‘to strengthen deterrence’

BREAKING: Israel will no longer return the carcasses of Muslim terrorists who were eliminated during terror attacks “to strengthen deterrence”, according to a new policy by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett. This will be the...

source https://btnews.online/bennett-israel-will-no-longer-return-the-bodies-of-muslim-terrorists-to-strengthen-deterrence/

8 wanted terrorists arrested in Judea and Samaria – Bomb found near biblical Joseph’s Tomb

BREAKING: The IDF arrested eight Muslim terrorists overnight in Judea and Samaria, who were wanted for involvement in terrorism and violent disorders directed against civilians and security personnel. The terrorists were turned over to...

source https://btnews.online/8-wanted-terrorists-arrested-in-judea-and-samaria-bomb-found-near-biblical-josephs-tomb/

Israeli fighter jets bomb terror targets in response to rockets attack from Gaza

HAPPENING NOW: Israeli fighter jets are carrying out retaliatory strikes targeting terror infrastructure in Gaza after three rockets were launched by Muslim terrorists towards southern Israel. Powerful blasts were heard near the Khan Younis...

source https://btnews.online/israeli-fighter-jets-bomb-terror-targets-in-response-to-rockets-attack-from-gaza/

Rockets fired by Muslim terrorists from Gaza at civilians in southern Israel

BREAKING: A barrage of rockets was fired by Muslim terrorists in Gaza towards the city of Sderot in southern Israel. Local residents report two explosions heard over Sderot. Sirens sounded in Nir Am, Sderot,...

source https://btnews.online/rockets-fired-by-muslim-terrorists-from-gaza-at-civilians-in-southern-israel-5/

IDF helicopter crash-lands, bursts into flames in southern Israel – No casualties

An IDF “Yasur” helicopter crash-landed in the Negev desert in southern Israel, near Kibbutz Beit Kama, following a technical malfunction that led to a fire in the engine. Firefighters arrived at the scene after...

source https://btnews.online/idf-helicopter-crash-lands-bursts-into-flames-in-southern-israel-no-casualties/

Muslim terrorists riot throughout Judea-Samaria following US decision to back Jewish communities

Hamas, Fatah, PLO and other terror groups and Arab factions in Judea and Samaria staged a “day of rage” in response to the US decision to back Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. The...

source https://btnews.online/muslim-terrorists-riot-throughout-judea-samaria-following-us-decision-to-back-jewish-communities/

Building in Israel hit by errant fire from Egyptian battle against ISIS terrorists

Damage was caused to a building in moshav Bnei Netzarim, along Israel’s southern border, in an apparent misfire of a mortar shell from Egypt. No one was injured in the incident. IDF sappers were...

source https://btnews.online/building-in-israel-hit-by-errant-fire-from-egyptian-battle-against-isis-terrorists/

26/11 – We remember the 166 victims murdered by Muslim terrorists in Mumbai

🕯️ We remember – On this day 11 years ago, on November 26, 2008, 10 heavily armed Muslim terrorists sailed from Pakistan, landed on the Mumbai coastline and attacked the country’s financial and entertainment...

source https://btnews.online/26-11-we-remember-the-166-victims-murdered-by-muslim-terrorists-in-mumbai/

Mali: 13 French soldiers killed in helicopter accident during counter-terrorism operation

Thirteen French soldiers have been killed in a midair collision between two helicopters during an operation against Muslim terrorists in Mali, the French president’s office said. Macron expressed “deep sadness” at the news of...

source https://btnews.online/mali-13-french-soldiers-killed-in-helicopter-accident-during-counter-terrorism-operation/

12 wanted terrorists arrested overnight – Muslim terrorists launch ‘Day of Rage’ in Judea and Samaria

BREAKING: The IDF arrested 12 Muslim terrorists overnight in Judea and Samaria, who were wanted for involvement in terrorism and violent disorders directed against civilians and security personnel. The terrorists were turned over to...

source https://btnews.online/12-wanted-terrorists-arrested-overnight-muslim-terrorists-launch-day-of-rage-in-judea-and-samaria/

IDF drone shot down by Muslim terrorists in northern Gaza

BREAKING: An IDF drone was shot down by Muslim terrorists over Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza, according to Arab reports. The drone fell in Israeli territory. At least two rockets were fired a short...

source https://btnews.online/idf-drone-shot-down-by-muslim-terrorists-in-northern-gaza-2/

Rockets fired by Muslim terrorists from Gaza at civilians in southern Israel

BREAKING: At least two rockets were fired by Muslim terrorists in Gaza towards the Eshkol area in southern Israel. According to initial reports, the rockets exploded in open areas. No sirens sounded. “Nine days...

source https://btnews.online/rockets-fired-by-muslim-terrorists-from-gaza-at-civilians-in-southern-israel-4/

Commander Salami: US, Israel, Saudi Arabia will be destroyed if they cross Iran’s red lines

Iran will destroy the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia if they cross Tehran’s red lines, the chief of the Revolutionary Guards terror group Hossein Salami said in a televised speech on Monday. “We...

source https://btnews.online/commander-salami-us-israel-saudi-arabia-will-be-destroyed-if-they-cross-irans-red-lines/

Muslim terror-fans call for “day of rage” following US decision to back Jewish communities

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups and Arab factions in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are urging for a “day of rage” tomorrow, in response to the US decision to back Jewish communities in...

source https://btnews.online/muslim-terror-fans-call-for-day-of-rage-following-us-decision-to-back-jewish-communities/

Son of former Syrian president claims he knows where legendary spy Eli Cohen is buried

The Mossad has reached out to the son of ex-Syrian president Amin Al-Hafiz to help find the body of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen, New Zealand’s Newshub reported. According to Newshub, the New Zealand intelligence...

source https://btnews.online/son-of-former-syrian-president-claims-he-knows-where-legendary-spy-eli-cohen-is-buried/

“Human Rights” Group Says Israel isn’t a Democracy, It’s An ‘Apartheid Regime,’

European-funded anti-Israel “Human Rights” organization B’Tselem, with little or no domestic support, seems to have kicked off their 2021 f...